A Week of Gloom

Puffer jacket | long sleeve tee | jeans | Hunter boots | umbrella

After a brief period of sunshine and warmth, the Bay Area is once again covered in clouds. We’ve been getting so much gloomy weather and I’ve definitely noticed an impact on my mood (anyone else been feeling the Seasonal Affective Disorder this year?). This past weekend, we decided to chance it and went to the park for some exercise and fresh air, bringing along an umbrella just in case! I wore my current favorite rainy day outfit, including a puffer jacket and a pair of classic Hunter rain boots!

With the rather unpredictable and gloomy weather, I found myself reaching for this navy puffer jacket a few times this past week. This exact one is from Abercrombie and is no longer available. However, there are many puffer jacket styles out there on the market.

These two navy puffer jackets from Superdry and Uniqlo are really similar. For something a bit more unique, how cute is this corduroy option from Levi’s! And you can’t go wrong with a Patagonia puffer. Lastly, if black is more your thing, this black puffer jacket from Everlane is also really great! Everlane makes such high quality pieces that will last you for years.

I know that as spring is now officially here, you’re likely starting to put your puffer jackets away, but they are a year-round staple for me here in San Francisco. They’re great in that they are fairly lightweight but provide warmth when you need it – a necessity when the wind picks up and the fog rolls in during the afternoon!

Underneath the jacket, I wore a chevron colorblock long sleeve tee also from Abercrombie. It is sold out, but you can achieve a similar look with this chevron turtleneck from Old Navy or with a simple grey long sleeve top.

On the bottom, I threw on these light wash high-waisted jeans from American Eagle and my favorite Hunter rain boots (also seen here). I also love and own this matte style of Hunter boots! If you don’t own Hunter boots, you must – they are 100% a closet staple! Although pricey, they are sturdy, classic, and can be worn for years to come! They are definitely worth the investment.

As it was raining off and on this morning, I also brought along this new clear bubble umbrella I found on Amazon. It was my first day bringing it out for a spin, but it seems like a keeper to me!

While we were there, we spent some time walking around the park and splashing in some puddles, of course! It might be the child inside of me, but when I wear my Hunter boots, I can’t resist splashing around – just me?

It seems like there is sunshine in the forecast for this weekend and I’m thrilled! Hope you’re getting some nice weather too!